Company Name (Official Trading Name) 社名 |
iae GLOBAL JAPAN, Inc. |
Head Office 住所 |
7F Shinagawa East One Tower, 2-16-1 Kounan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075 Japan |
Representative 代表 |
Mr. Hiroki Koyama |
Established 設立 |
1st November 2014 |
Capital 資本金 |
JPY 10,000,000 |
Range of Business 業務内容 |
In-country sales, recruitment and support of both inbound and outbound students in Japan: - Provision of counselling services to students and help with selecting the right destination country and school In-country marketing and sales support to partner institutions, and assistance in developing institutional branding - 語学留学から海外進学まで様々な留学に対応するカウンセリンク及びプラン作成 |